Citizen Science Volunteer Opportunities

This page describes citizen science volunteer activities at Pacific Biodiversity Institute.

western gray squirrel western gray squirrel western gray squirrel

Western Gray Squirrel Hair Tube Construction Workshop

On March 5, Pacific Biodiversity Institute hosted the first western gray squirrel volunteer day of 2010. At the workshop, 16 participants (14 volunteers) helped assemble over 200 hair-sampling tubes for the western gray squirrel project (see images below). We currently have 16 volunteers, 2 PBI staff, a western gray squirrel researcher from the University of Washington, and a WDFW employee attending the training day (20 participants thus far).

Press stories have been well-received by the public. News articles have been written about our March 5 sampling tube construction workshop (Methow Valley News, 3/5/2010), and on volunteering for the project (Methow Valley News, November, 2010).

More information about the western gray squirrel project is available on our western gray squirrel volunteer web page and on the western gray squirrel background information web page.

Images from the March sampling tube construction workshop

volunteers prepare tubes

Volunteers drilling holes and sanding down ABS pipe for western gray squirrel hair sampling tubes.

volunteers prepare tubes

Volunteers gluing walnuts as bait and assembling sticky tape to inside of hair-tube traps.

Click here to view a gallery of pictures from the workshop.

[Return to the Western Gray Squirrel Main Page]

Copyright © 2009 Pacific Biodiversity Institute
PO Box 298, 517 Lufkin Lane
Winthrop, WA 98862 509-996-2490